344 research outputs found

    Precision spectroscopy with two correlated atoms

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    We discuss techniques that allow for long coherence times in laser spectroscopy experiments with two trapped ions. We show that for this purpose not only entangled ions prepared in decoherence-free subspaces can be used but also a pair of ions that are not entangled but subject to the same kind of phase noise. We apply this technique to a measurement of the electric quadrupole moment of the 3d D5/2 state of 40Ca+ and to a measurement of the linewidth of an ultrastable laser exciting a pair of 40Ca+ ions

    Production of entanglement in Raman three-level systems using feedback

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    We examine the theoretical limits of the generation of entanglement in a damped coupled ion-cavity system using jump-based feedback. Using Raman transitions to produce entanglement between ground states reduces the necessary feedback bandwidth, but does not improve the overall effect of the spontaneous emission on the final entanglement. We find that the fidelity of the resulting entanglement will be limited by the asymmetries produced by vibrations in the trap, but that the concurrence remains above 0.88 for realistic ion trap sizes.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Robust entanglement

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    It is common belief among physicists that entangled states of quantum systems loose their coherence rather quickly. The reason is that any interaction with the environment which distinguishes between the entangled sub-systems collapses the quantum state. Here we investigate entangled states of two trapped Ca+^+ ions and observe robust entanglement lasting for more than 20 seconds

    Dissipation-assisted quantum gates with cold trapped ions

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    It is shown that a two-qubit phase gate and SWAP operation between ground states of cold trapped ions can be realised in one step by simultaneously applying two laser fields. Cooling during gate operations is possible without perturbing the computation and the scheme does not require a second ion species for sympathetic cooling. On the contrary, the cooling lasers even stabilise the desired time evolution of the system. This affords gate operation times of nearly the same order of magnitude as the inverse coupling constant of the ions to a common vibrational mode.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, substantially revised versio

    Cooling atomic motion with quantum interference

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    We theoretically investigate the quantum dynamics of the center of mass of trapped atoms, whose internal degrees of freedom are driven in a Λ\Lambda-shaped configuration with the lasers tuned at two-photon resonance. In the Lamb-Dicke regime, when the motional wave packet is well localized over the laser wavelenght, transient coherent population trapping occurs, cancelling transitions at the laser frequency. In this limit the motion can be efficiently cooled to the ground state of the trapping potential. We derive an equation for the center-of-mass motion by adiabatically eliminating the internal degrees of freedom. This treatment provides the theoretical background of the scheme presented in [G. Morigi {\it et al}, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 85}, 4458 (2000)] and implemented in [C.F. Roos {\it et al}, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 85}, 5547 (2000)]. We discuss the physical mechanisms determining the dynamics and identify new parameters regimes, where cooling is efficient. We discuss implementations of the scheme to cases where the trapping potential is not harmonic.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Sympathetic Cooling of Trapped Cd+ Isotopes

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    We sympathetically cool a trapped 112Cd+ ion by directly Doppler-cooling a 114Cd+ ion in the same trap. This is the first demonstration of optically addressing a single trapped ion being sympathetically cooled by a different species ion. Notably, the experiment uses a single laser source, and does not require strong focusing. This paves the way toward reducing decoherence in an ion trap quantum computer based on Cd+ isotopes.Comment: 4 figure

    Dark resonances as a probe for the motional state of a single ion

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    Single, rf-trapped ions find various applications ranging from metrology to quantum computation. High-resolution interrogation of an extremely weak transition under best observation conditions requires an ion almost at rest. To avoid line-broadening effects such as the second order Doppler effect or rf heating in the absence of laser cooling, excess micromotion has to be eliminated as far as possible. In this work the motional state of a confined three-level ion is probed, taking advantage of the high sensitivity of observed dark resonances to the trapped ion's velocity. Excess micromotion is controlled by monitoring the dark resonance contrast with varying laser beam geometry. The influence of different parameters such as the cooling laser intensity has been investigated experimentally and numerically

    Raman cooling and heating of two trapped Ba+ ions

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    We study cooling of the collective vibrational motion of two 138Ba+ ions confined in an electrodynamic trap and irradiated with laser light close to the resonances S_1/2-P_1/2 (493 nm) and P_1/2-D_3/2 (650 nm). The motional state of the ions is monitored by a spatially resolving photo multiplier. Depending on detuning and intensity of the cooling lasers, macroscopically different motional states corresponding to different ion temperatures are observed. We also derive the ions' temperature from detailed analytical calculations of laser cooling taking into account the Zeeman structure of the energy levels involved. The observed motional states perfectly match the calculated temperatures. Significant heating is observed in the vicinity of the dark resonances of the Zeeman-split S_1/2-D_3/2 Raman transitions. Here two-photon processes dominate the interaction between lasers and ions. Parameter regimes of laser light are identified that imply most efficient laser cooling.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Entanglement dynamics of three-qubit states in noisy channels

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    We study entanglement dynamics of the three-qubit system which is initially prepared in pure Greenberger-Horne- Zeilinger (GHZ) or W state and transmitted through one of the Pauli channels σz,σx,σy\sigma_z, \, \sigma_x, \, \sigma_y or the depolarizing channel. With the help of the lower bound for three-qubit concurrence we show that the W state preserves more entanglement than the GHZ state in transmission through the Pauli channel σz\sigma_z. For the Pauli channels σx,σy\sigma_x, \, \sigma_y and the depolarizing channel, however, the entanglement of the GHZ state is more resistant against decoherence than the W-type entanglement. We also briefly discuss how the accuracy of the lower bound approximation depends on the rank of the density matrix under consideration.Comment: 2 figures, 32 reference

    Resonance fluorescence of a trapped three-level atom

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    We investigate theoretically the spectrum of resonance fluorescence of a harmonically trapped atom, whose internal transitions are Λ\Lambda--shaped and driven at two-photon resonance by a pair of lasers, which cool the center--of--mass motion. For this configuration, photons are scattered only due to the mechanical effects of the quantum interaction between light and atom. We study the spectrum of emission in the final stage of laser--cooling, when the atomic center-of-mass dynamics is quantum mechanical and the size of the wave packet is much smaller than the laser wavelength (Lamb--Dicke limit). We use the spectral decomposition of the Liouville operator of the master equation for the atomic density matrix and apply second order perturbation theory. We find that the spectrum of resonance fluorescence is composed by two narrow sidebands -- the Stokes and anti-Stokes components of the scattered light -- while all other signals are in general orders of magnitude smaller. For very low temperatures, however, the Mollow--type inelastic component of the spectrum becomes visible. This exhibits novel features which allow further insight into the quantum dynamics of the system. We provide a physical model that interprets our results and discuss how one can recover temperature and cooling rate of the atom from the spectrum. The behaviour of the considered system is compared with the resonance fluorescence of a trapped atom whose internal transition consists of two-levels.Comment: 11 pages, 4 Figure